49th Annual Ocean City Labor Day Weekend White Marlin Tournament – Aug 30 – Sept 2 (2007)
3rd place Top Boat - D.A. SEA - Ed Dunn - Owner - Capt. Robbie Valko - released 13 white marlin in 2 days of fishing.
3rd place Top Boat - D.A. SEA - Ed Dunn - Owner - Capt. Robbie Valko - released 13 white marlin in 2 days of fishing.
163 boats "It Ain't Over 'Til the Phat Mann Sings!" per the quote by Jeff Merrill Phat Mann - 92 lbs. Heaviest White Marlin Weigh-in - New Mid-Atlantic Tournament record. Total of one blue marlin and 5 white marlin - Capt. Dave Warren - Mark Granville-Smith - Owner, mates: Kyle Fisher and Charlie Locke 2nd place Tuna - Volatility - Capt. Peter Brancaleone
Top Boat Overall, Day 2 Top Boat, Top Overall Angler, Top Crew and Top Circle Hook Team releasing 12 white marlin overall, all on circle hooks! - Hunter - Capt. & Owner - Walt Spruill - mate: Nolan Romzwinter
Top Boat Billfish Release 2nd place - D.A. SEA- Ed Dunn - Owner - Capt. Robbie Valko
Daily First Release - white marlin - Hunter - Capt. & Owner - Walt
Top boats: First place - Pelican - Capt. & Owner Arch Bracher - released two blue marlin and two white marlin Fourth place - Sniper - Capt. Mike Merritt - Owner Jimmy Bayne - released two blue marlin and one white marlin Top Lady Angler - Second Place - Pelican - Capt. & Owner Arch Bracher - Summer McCarver Top Junior Angler - Sniper - Capt. Mike Merritt - Owner Jimmy Bayne - daughter Hunter Bayne, first blue marlin
ninth place - Phat Mann - Capt. Capt. Dave Warren - Mark Granville-Smith - Owner released one blue marlin and five white marlin third place - Top Angler - Phat Mann - Mark Granville-Smith - Owner - Capt. Capt. Dave Warren eighteenth place - Sniper - Capt. & Owner Jimmy Bayne - released one blue marlin and three white marlin
1st place overall - Sniper - Capt. & Owner Jimmy Bayne
33 boats entered the tournament, but the weather was rough! 2nd Place Top Boat Phat Mann - Capt. Dave Warren - Mark Granville-Smith - Owner 2nd Place C2-Top Release Team
D.A. SEA - Ed Dunn - Owner - Capt. Robbie Valko - Mate: Josh Ruskey 2nd place Heaviest Bluefin, 2nd place Heaviest Yellowfin, 2nd place Heaviest Tuna, Heaviest stringer, and several 2nd heaviest Big Fish & Tuna Calcuttas for the top payout of the tournament!