Paul Mann Custom Boats Named Top Cabinetry Category Winner in Prestigious 2016 Veneer Tech Craftsman’s Challenge™ Woodworking Competition
ATLANTA, GA: Paul Mann Custom Boats of Manns Harbor, NC, was named worldwide winner of the Cabinetry category in the Twelfth Annual Veneer Tech Craftsman’s Challenge™ woodworking competition, the woodworking industry’s most prestigious and coveted awards for natural veneer craftsmanship. The competition was sponsored by Veneer Tech and co-sponsored by FDMC magazine. The award was given for the design and technical woodworking skill exhibited in the figured teak veneer cabinetry throughout recently launched Paul Mann 60-foot custom sportfishing yacht CAUGHT UP. Winners in the six categories of competition (cabinetry, furniture, architectural woodworking, marquetry, specialty items and student design) were announced at the Georgia World Congress Center